Rate the below
5 – definitely
4 – yes
3 – sometimes
2- no
1- definitely not
Rate the below statements:
0% – 30% (Conservative)
You are averse to change or innovation and have very traditional values. This is somewhat limiting if your partner does not share the same values or if their values evolve and change within your relationship. You are able to communicate your needs and desires, but are hell bent on sticking to them and not going outside of those parameters.
30% – 60% (Potential to experiment, but less likely)
When opportunities arise, you are willing to experiment provided it doesn’t go against your already existing standards. This can prove to be limiting but there is a possibility of experimentation, it just depends on the person and what is expected.
60% – 90% (Likely to experiment)
Interested in exploring and wanting to try new things. You have your limitations but you are more Riley to look beyond them when something is presented to you. You are able to communicate your needs and desires effectively.
90% – 100% (Freak Nasty)You shamelessly and often satisfy your sexual needs and desires without the burden of guilt or the judgment “morally correct” societal standards. You are good at communicating your desires and needs with those you engage with. Very open to experimenting which means you are more likely to compromise for your partner or future partner, as you are less limited.